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PARKER: Negotiations are possible only if those who negotiate are prepared to make concessions. 


At the moment both John Goodwin and Li Wei are busy resolving problems which have arisen from the old contract. 


So far matters of demurrage and short weight have been resolved.


LI: Let us move on now to my last claim.


GOODWIN: Yes. Let us get to it. We seem to be making remarkable progress.


LI:This one has to do with inferior quality.


GOODWIN: Then this one is important.We stand by our products. 


We cannot afford to have our customers unhappy with us because that would means naturally that they would go to our competitors. 


By all means, let's resolve this issue right now.


LI:Well. let me then say that in the latest shipment received at the port of Shanghai, 


we noted that the biuret content of the fibre powder exceeded 1.0% which is ,as you know, the limit imposed by the contract. 


We sent you a letter on April 2nd. but unfortunately we have not as yet received a reply. I draw your attention to this matter only because we regard it as urgent.


GOODWIN:Frankly, I was shocked to discover that you had found the biuret content to be 1.1% instead of the usual 1.0%. 


As soon as I received your letter,I personally looked into the matter by asking our surveyor to run another test on the sample lot. 


This was the same samples as the one used before shipment to you.


LI:Yes. and what was the result?


GOODWIN: I'm afraid to say that it is precisely the same as it appears in the previous surveyor's report. 


Here, This is the report. As you can see. it has been verified by federal inspectors.


LI: I see, Well, Mr. Goodwin we seem to have walked the same road and arrived at a different place.


GOODWIN: So it seems.


LI: The discrepancy was first pointed out to me in a report from our  Commodity Inspection Bureau, an agency which enjoys an international reputation for impartiality.


GOODWIN: Yes. I'm not questioning their integrity at all. I'm merely suggesting that we may be using different testing methods.


 I don't believe anyone has ever looked into the matter.I'm willing to believe that, with the best of intentions, we have arrived at our conclusions by different methods.


LI:It is possible.May I make a suggestion? You show us your method and we will show your ours. 

(这倒可能,我提个建议吧, 你们告诉我们你们的方法,我们告诉你们我们的方式)

Not only that, We will also provide you with our samples so that you can test them yourselves,This way we would know for sure.


GOODWIN: I don't know, Something bothers me. I 'm willing to do this. of course, but what would happen if we ran this test and still disagree?


 With respect to this shipment. then, would you agree to appeal to a third party? Would you agree to turning the whole matter over to a respected surveyor from, say France or Germany?


LI: That might be the way out. Would you agree that his decision would be final?


GOODWIN: If you would.


LI:Let's proceed then.


GOODWIN: All right.


DIALOGUE: A Bill of Lading:


THE SHIP MASTER: I hope the loading's finished.


THE MATE:Yes. sir. The last load is just coming on board.


THE SHIP MASTER: Thank God for that! They'll have to pay two days' demurrage-that's USD10,000


THE MATE: What about the bill of lading sir?


THE SHIP-MASTER: Did you check the bags?


THE MATE: Yes, sir.




THE MATE: No problem, All the bags were in good condition.


THE SHIP MASTER: We can issue a clean on board bill of lading then.


THE MATE: Yes, sir.

(好的, 先生)

THE SHIP MASTER:Let me know as soon as we can weigh anchor. The sooner we sail the better.


THE MATE: Yes .sir.


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