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PARKER:Now that flight arrangements have been made and a reply to our tE-mail to China has been received. I am on my way to meet Mr. Goodwin to give him the good news.He's a very busy man these days.He's been on the phone call for the past week with government officicals in ottawa and also with the various managers and directors of our branches.



( Knocks on door, Sound of door Openinging)


Good Morning,John


GOODWIN:Good morning, David Come right in, Pull up a chair, How about a cup of coffee?

       (早上好 DAVID. 快进来,拉把椅子坐, 来杯咖啡?)

(Sound of door closing)


PARKER:No,thanks, I've already had two this morning.


GOODWIN:Now,what's on your mind?


PARKER:I want to talk about our trip to Beijing.


GOODWIN:Fine, Let me ask you first. Has Evans collected the indents for Chinese products yet? I wonder, could you talk to him about it?


PARKER:Everything's been taken care of.He was collecting them when I spoke with him yesterday. He should have them for you today.


GOODWIN:Charles informed me he had sent you our production schedule for the next 12 months.


PARKER:You'll find it in the file. I sent it in to you this morning. do you have it?


GOODWIN:Is this it? Oh yes, here it is. And what about the claims, David? Have you looked into them?


Parker:Yes. I have. I went through them last night at home, and  I'm having Sarah type up my report.She will bring it to you within an hour or so.


GOODWIN:Your're right on top of this thing, aren't you,David? Idon't know what I'd do without you.


PARKER:I's my job,John. It's what you pay me money for.


GOODWIN:If we can sign this contract, there's a good chance we won't go into the red. in fact, we'll come out better than we did last year. When we return from Beijing,I'll have to go before my Board, I don't want to return empty-handed. I want to prove to them that developing trade with our friends in China is the key to our financial success. you don't agree?


PARKER: What? Oh, yes, I certainly agree.

     (什么? 哦, 是的,我当然同意)

GOODWIN:You looked... worried for a monent.


PARKER: I was thinking of something else.


GOODWIN:You were thinking of international Swimwear.


PARKER: Yes. as a matter of fact, I was. I was wondering why they didn't get a contract last month.They're a lot bigger and more powerful than we are.


GOODWIN:(Laughs,heartily)Look on the bright side of things, David. This only strengthens our position. The Chinese know our product is good and our price reasonable. They know we can deliver on time. We've done business with them in the past. They like dealing with someone they know.


PARKER: That much is true. Oh, I almost forgot. Here's the E-mail from Beijing, It just came in, You'll be happy to see that we have reservations at the Great Wall Hotel.


GOODWIN:WONDERFUL? I Saw the hotel going up last time I was there. How did you know I wanted to stay here?

(太妙了, 上次去的时候看到这个酒店在建设中,你怎么知道我想住哪儿?)

PARKER: (Laughts)It's my job.

(大笑) (这是我的工作)

Dialogue: Booking a Room:


 Mr.Li and Mr.Wang arrive at the Grand Hotel without having booked a room in advance.


Clerk: Good Morning, Can I help you?


Li:Good morning. Can I book a double room?


Clerk:How long will you be staying?


Li: From now until Friday.


Clerk:Yes. we do have a room for you on the second floor.


Li: How much is it?


Clerk: It is USD80 including air conditioning and color TV.


Li.Sounds reasonable,we'll take it.


Clerk: Very good. Sir. Will you register,Please.


Li.Name,Nationality,Permament address,Passport number, Signature... here you are.

(名字,国籍,住址,护照号,签字...好了 给您)

Clerk: Thank you. The porter will show you to your room


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