


Fried Lunchoen Meat


Watercress Soup

3 磨菇耗油鸡

Chicken with Oyster Sauce & Mushroom


Fried Egg with Onion


Fried Sausage with Tomato Sauce


Green Pea Soup


Long Bean with Fish Cake


Lemon Fish

9 豆酱猪肉

Pork w/Brown Sauce

10 咸菜鸭汤

Salted Veg Duck Soup


Cabbage with Vermicelli

12 糖醋排骨(猪肉)

Sweet & Sour Pork

13 蘑菇汤

Mushroom Soup

14 香炒茄子

Fried Brinjal

15 宫保鱼片

Fish with Dried Chilli

16 红烧扣肉

Braised Pork

17 洋葱沙丁鱼

Sardines Fish with Onion

18 鱼丸汤

Fish Ball Soup

19 蚝油小白菜

Chinese cabbage  with Oyster Sauce

20 青椒鸡丁

Chicken with Green Pepper

21 八珍排骨汤

Pork Rib Soup

22 咖喱什菜

Curry Mixed Vegetable


Fried Fish wIth Bitter

24 柠檬鸡

Lemon Chicken

25 辣椒鱼饼

Fish Cake with Spicy Sauce

26 花生肉片汤

Peanut with Sliced Meat Soup

27 虾米炒黄瓜

Cucumber with Dried Shrimp

28 洋葱鸡扒 (鸡排)

Western Chicken Chop

29 肉碎蒸蛋

Steam Egg with Minced (剁碎)

30 酸甜虾丸

Sweet & Sour Prawn Ball

31 雪耳(银耳)鸡汤

Chicken Fungus Soup

32 蒜茸津白

Fried Chinese Cabbage

33 蟹肉豆腐

tofu (Beancurd) with Crab Meat

34 港蒸排骨

Hong Kong Style Pork Rib

35 腊肠炒蛋

Fried Egg Sausage (香肠)

36 冬瓜汤

Winter Melon Soup

37 薯仔炆鸡肉

Chicken with Potato

38 炸鱼柠檬虾

Fried Fish with Shrimp Lemon

39 金黄蟹肉条

Deep Fried Crab Stick

40 马铃薯汤

Potato Soup

41 爆炒菠菜

Fried Spinach

42 港式油浸鱼

Hong Kong Fried Fish

43 麻婆豆腐

Mapo tofu

44 甜酱炒扇贝

Fried Scallop with Sweet Sauce

45 甜玉米汤

Sweet Corn Soup

46 咸鱼豆芽

Bean Sprout with Salted Fish

47 宫保鸡丁

Fried Chicken with Dried Chilli

48 马铃薯饼

Fried Potato Cake

49 菜豆炒虾米

Long Bean with Shrimp

50 蜜汁排骨

Pork Rib with Honey Sauce

51 炸鱼丸

Deep Fried Fish Ball

52 蟹肉菜汤

Crab Meat Soup

53 什锦菜

Mixed Vegetable

54 虾肉香肠圈

Shrimp Sausage Roll

55 老黄瓜汤

Melon Soup

56 红烧鸭肉

Braised Duck

57 炸鸡柳 (块)

Fried Chicken Nugget

58 黄瓜鱼饼

Cucumber wIth Fish Cake


Fish with Ginger

60 叉烧排骨

Pork Rib with BBQ Sauce

61 蒜茸烧鸡

Garlic Chicken Cutlet (炸肉排)

62 紫菜肉碎汤

Minced Meat Soup with Seaweed


Stir (搅拌)Fried Celery

64 蒸鱼肉饼

Steam Fish Cake

65 苦瓜排骨

Pork Rib with Bitter-Gourd

66 红焖肉圈

Braised Meat Roll

67 苦瓜汤

Bitter-Gourd Soup

68 红烧豆腐

Braised Tofu ( Beancurd )

69 面包鱼片拌沙律

Fish Fillet with Bread Crumb (面包屑)

70 四川菜汤

Szechuan Soup

71 豆干炒蒜菜

Leek with Tau Kau

72 茄子焖肉

Braised Pork with Brinjal

73 玉米鱼片

Fried Fish wtih Corn Sauce

74 珍珠豆腐汤

Tofu (Beancurd) Soup

75 四季豆红罗卜

French Bean w/Carrot

76 香菇鸡

Chicken with Mushroom

77 茄汁虾

Tomato Prawn

78 秘制手撕牛肉

Special shredded beef with chili sauce

79 蜜汁雪鱼片

Cod Fillets with BBQ sauce

80 干烧墨鱼

Roast  dressed Octopus (章鱼)

81 酱汁茄仔

Eggplant in brown sauce

82 豆酱皇鹅肠

Goose intestine(肠) in bean sauce

83 黑芝麻豆腐

Tofu fried in black sesame

84 XO酱爆驼峰肉

Stir-fried camel hump(驼峰) in xo soy sauce

85 鸿运乳猪

Roast suckling pig

86 金牌烧鹅

Special roast goose

87 手撕鸡

shredded salty chicken

88 烤猪肉

Barbecued pork

89 乳猪拼盘

Assorted barbecued suckling meat

90 烧味拼盘

Assorted barbecued meat

91 五香墨鱼

spiced cuttlefish

92 特色刺身(生鱼片)拼盘

Special assorted sashimi

93 金枪鱼刺身 (生鱼片)

Tuna sashimi


Salmon sashimi

95 八爪鱼刺身 (生吃八爪鱼片)

Octopus sashimi

96.扇贝刺身 (生吃扇贝片)

Shellfish sashimi

97 澳洲冻鲍鱼刺身 (澳洲冻生鲍鱼片)

Australian Iced abalone  Sashimi

98.大龙虾刺身 (活龙虾生鱼片)

Live lobster sashimi

99 活象拔蚌刺身

Live geoduck sashimi

100 活(石)星斑鱼刺身

Live  grouper sashimi

101 活多宝鱼刺身

Live Tubo sashimi

102 盐烧鲭鱼

Grilled salty mackerel

103 秘制咸螃蟹

Special salty crab

104 盐烧银雪鱼

Grilled salty codfish

105 日式烧多春鱼

Grilled smelts Japanese style

106 日式烧三文鱼

Grilled salmon  Japanese style

107 日式寿司拼盘

Assorted sushi plate Japanese style

108 汤焗4头澳洲鲍

Australian 4-Tou abalone stewed(炖) with special sauce

109 辽参花菇扣南非干鲍(18头)

Stewed Sea cucumber,mushroom with south African 18-Tou abalone

110 原壳烧澳洲鲍

Barbecued live Australian abalone

111 番茄汁焗澳洲鲍

Braise (烩/炖)Australian abalone in tomato sauce

112 鲍汁扣辽参

Sea cucumber stewed with abalone sauce

113 桔瓜焗参鲍

Sea cucumber, abalone stewed with Baby Pumpkin (南瓜)

114 鲍汁花菇扣鹅掌

stewed goose feet, dried mushroom with abalone sauce

115 红烧木蛙鱼子

Stewed Chinese wood frog roe with brown sauce

116 泰国木瓜雪蛤

Thai style papaya(木瓜) with woodfrog roe


Chinese woodfrog roe braised(炖) with pear

118 法式炒煎鹅肝

French sauté goose's liver

119 鸡油灼海螺片汤

Scalding(煲汤) conch(海螺) fillets(片) in chicken broth (肉汤)

120 黑椒堂煎牛扒

Steak (牛扒/牛排)with black pepper sauce

121 浓汤堂灼各种海鲜

Scalding all king of seafood On the spot

122 西芹芦荟炒虾球

Stir-fried peeled(去皮的) shrimp with celery(芹菜) and aloe(芦荟)

123 蒜香 排骨

Deep-fried pork ribs with garlic

124土豆焗牛柳 (土豆炖牛肉)

Beef(牛肉) braised with potato

125 鲍汁焗豆腐

Tofu braised with abalone sauce

126 香煎青瓜烙 (酥脆的青瓜饼)

Crisp green melon pancake

127 炸豆腐

tofu deep-fried

128 大白菜煮(培根)咸肉

Cabbage stewed(炖)with bacon

129 竹笙野生鱼肚

Mushroom stir-fried with fish maw (鱼肚)

130 法式大明虾

French deep-fried prawn (虾)

131 油泡鸳鸯鱿

Stir-fried dried squid and fresh squid (乌贼/乌鱼/鱿鱼)

132 芥菜雪耳炒鱿鱼

Stir-fried squid with white fungus(银耳)and mustard(芥末) greens (芥菜)

133 鱿鱼片扇贝炒西兰花

Stir-fried squid sliced(切片) with shells in broccoli (西兰花)

134 美味香酥鸭

crisp duck

135 西芹露笋炒三果

Stir-fried bamboo shoots ,celery with nuts

136 榄菜炒肉末

Stir-fried vegetable with pork powder (肉末)

137 鲍汁百灵菇

White mushroom stewed in abalone sauce

138 磨芋烧鸭

Braised duck with taro(芋头) pudding in chili (辣椒)

139 雪菜小笋炒肉片

Stir-fried bamboo shoot and greens with sliced pork

140 蚂蚁上树

stir-fried silk noodles with meat powder (肉末)

141 酸辣磨芋

Sour (酸)and hot Stir-fried taro pudding

142 家常豆腐

Home made tofu

143 老干妈蒸腊肉

Steamed bacon with hot pepper sauce (辣椒酱)

144 红枣蒸南瓜

Steamed pumpkin with red dates

145 清蒸茄子

Steamed eggplant with garlic


steamed fish head with chopped(切碎的) red chili (辣椒)

147 嫩炖鱼

tender stewed fish

148 毛氏红烧肉

Mao braised(炖) pork with brown sauce

149 梅菜扣肉

Pork with salted vegetable

150 酸辣鸡杂(胗)

Sour and hot chicken stomach (胗)

151 茶树菇小鸡锅

Tea mushroom with chicken pot

152 啤酒醉五宝

stir-fried assorted beef with beer

153 山椒炒牛肉

Stir-fried beef with hot pepper

154 泡椒墨鱼仔

stir-fried squid with red chili

155 泡椒蹄筋

Stir-fried pork tendons(筋/腱) with red chili

156 孜然寸骨

stir-fried pork ribs with cumin (小茴香/孜然)

157 香辣肚

stir-fried stomach with hot pepper

158 干锅鸡杂

Chicken stomach with chili pot

159 干锅口味鳝鱼

Special eel with chili pot

160 干锅肥肠

Pig's intestine(肠) with chili pot

161 干锅牛肉

Beef with chili pot

162 干锅鸭舌

Duck's tongue with chili pot

163 干煸兔丁

Diced(切丁) rabbit with chili

164 干煸牛肉

Quick-fried Beef with chili

165 干煸四季豆

Quick-fried string beans

166 响油鳝丝

Stir-fried eel with hot oil


Stewed Japanese tofu pot

167 三鲜锅巴

Three flavour crispy rice

168 辣子鸡丁

Diced chicken with red pepper

169 水晶河虾仁

Peeled shrimps stir-fried

170 竹(水)笋千层肉

Fried Bamboo shoot with pork

171 蟹粉豆腐

Braised tofu with crab roe (螃蟹子/鱼子)

172 八宝辣酱

Diced meat and vegetable with chili sauce

173 腐衣黄鱼卷

Yellow croaker (黄花鱼)in bean card sheet

174 糟溜鱼片

Fish slices fried with wine

175 红汁铁狮头

Meatballs(肉丸) braised(炖/生焖) in soy sauce (酱油)

176 百花芋艿球

Deep-fried taro(芋头) ball

177 西芹炒百合

Celery sir-fried with lily leaf (百合叶)

178 黑木耳炒百合

Agaric fried with lily leaf

179 咸鱼炒芥兰

Stir-fried mustard greens with Salted fish

180 鲤鱼油麦菜

Stir-fried lettuce(生菜/莴苣/油麦菜)with dace (鲤鱼)

181 上汤娃娃菜

baby cabbage in chicken soup

182 白灼芥兰

Scalding mustard greens in soy sauce (酱油)

183 蚝油生菜

Stir-fried romaine(生菜) lettuce (生菜) in Oyster sauce

184 蒜茸西兰花

Broccoli fried with garlic

185 锅仔金针肥牛

Needle mushroom with beef pot

186 锅仔青瓜鱼鳔

Green cucumber with fish maw pot

187 锅仔芋丝双丸

Fish ball beef ball with taro silk noodle pot

188 锅仔针菜螺头

Dried lily flower(百合花) with whelks (海螺) pot

189 鱼鳔白菜煲

Fish maw with cabbage Clay pot

190 鱼香茄仔煲

Eggplant with fish flavor Clay pot

191 鲜虾莲子煲

Shrimp with lotus(莲花) seeds Clay pot

192 铁板酿豆腐

Iron platter Tofu

193 铁板牛仔骨

Iron platter calf(小牛/牛仔)ribs

194 凉瓜黄豆排骨煲

Bitter melon with ribs and soybean clay pot

195 鸡汤凉瓜羹

Bitter melon with chicken thick soup

196 紫菜豆腐杂锦汤

Assorted laver(紫菜) with Tofu thick soup

197 飘香榴莲酥

Durian(榴莲) crisp cake

198 至尊萝卜酥

Radish(萝卜) crisp cake

199 椰丝白兔仔

Like-Rabbit coconut cream (椰子奶油)

200 酥皮菠萝包

Pineapple (菠萝) crisp bread

201 枣茸西米饼

Chinese Date  pie

202 扬州炒饭

YangZhou style fried rice

203 广州炒饭

GuanZhou style fried rice

204 干炒牛河

Stir-fried rice noodles with beef

205 干烧伊面

Stir-fried noodles

206 潮州白粥

ChaoZhou porridge (稀饭)

207 海鲜乌冬面

Seafood with white Noodles

208 海鲜泡饭

Seafood soft rice

209 榨菜肉丝汤面

Sichuan pickle(泡菜/榨菜) with meat Noodles

210 雪菜肉丝汤面

Salted vegetable with meat Noodles

211 青菜肉丝汤面

Greens with meat Noodles

212 菜饺

Vegetable dumpling

213. 海胆蒸蛋糕

steam egg cake with sea urchin


garlic flavored ox tripe(牛肚)(cow, ox, 牛)

215 馒头

steamed bun; steamed bread;
