
和外商谈生意,无论是谈价格,还是付款条款,或是代理协议,一定要 HOLD住,即使外商开出的条件已经达到你心中目标了,也不要让外商看出来,还要故作为难的样子,要让外商觉得你很不情愿,外商会感觉他占了和大便宜。


A: First of all, I'd like to thank you for your kind invitation to visit your beautiful country. I hope my visit will help promote a friendly relationship between us.


B:We've been looking forward to your visit. It is a great pleasure for us to have you as our gust. And it is always more convenient to discuss things face to face.


A. I would like to tell you that my clients are very satisfied with the last delivery of your garments. The styles and colors are very much to the taste of our market.


B.We've received some similiar comments from others Australian firms, too.


A: This is just what I want to discuss with you. I understand you are selling the same products to some others Australian importers, This tends to complicate my business.


As you know, I'm experienced in the business of garments and enjoy a good business relationship with all the leading wholesales and retailers in that line.


I have plans to expand this business in the  years to come. One of the reasons for my visit here is to sign a sole agency agreement with you on this item for a period of three years.


As it is to our mutual interest and profit.I'm sure you'll have no objection to it.


B:We appreciate your good intention and your efforts in pushing the sale of our garments.But as you know. the demand for this items in your market is quite substantial.


However, according to our records, the total amount of your orders last year was moderate, which does not warrant an agency appointment. Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you our sole agent.


A:I'll come to that, My proposal is: Garments of all size. 60,000 pieces annually within the area of the whole Australian market. We expect a 5% commission, of course.


B: As far as I remember, we sold about 40,000 pieces last year to you alone. Don't you think this annual turnover is rather conservative for a sole agent?


A:Well, I admin I always do business on the safe side, Could you let me have your proposal then?


B:Let's put it in this way. I propose a sole agency agreement for all kinds of garments(excluding children's) for a duration of three years;

让我们以这种方式, 我建议对所有种类的服装(不包括儿童)签订为期三年的独家代理协议;

60,000 pieces to be sold in the first year,70,000 pieces in the second year, and 80,000 pieces in the third year. the area is to be within the continent of Australia(excluding any neighbourings islands), commission 5%.


A: You certainly drive a hard bargain, Mr.Tang.


B:On the contrary, Mr. Brown, we value your friendship more than anything else.We both understand that our garments are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive prices.


And with the Sole Agency in your hand. there will be no competition and you could easily control the market, which would naturally result in bigger sales, I'm sure you can fulfil the agreement without much difficulty.


A:Well, if you put it in this way. I'll have to comply.When shall we sign the contract. Mr. Tang?


B: Tomorrow afternoon.


A:That'll be fine.

